Unique Issues in LGBTQ Family Law


Did You Cohabitate With Partner Prior To Marriage Being Legalized In OK?

Oklahoma may not recognize the full length of your relationship if you were married in another state, under a domestic partnership, or cohabiting for many years. This means your case may be hurt with issues like alimony, which is calculated partly based on the length of your relationship as recognized by the court. LGBTQ couples need to make certain that they have attorneys who understand their needs and will stand up and protect their rights. Sometimes it is necessary for your lawyers to go the extra mile to show the court that just because you are a gay or lesbian couple, your needs and your rights to support or alimony are just the same as anyone else's.

Division of Assets & Support

Despite the law, many cultural biases still exist when Oklahoma courts are analyzing who gets assets, property, alimony, and child support. Depending on where you live, courts may struggle to decide who gets what between two men or they may have a bias toward a biological mother in a lesbian couple.  Federal income tax issues also complicate same sex divorce.  Same- sex couples who divide property pursuant to their divorce may face federal taxes that do not apply to division of property than when straight people divorce. Hayes Legal Solutions, PLLC will carefully guide you through your case and consider how judges and courts may view each same-sex spouse in your situation.

If you need a LGBTQ friendly attorney, please contact Hayes Legal Solutions, PLLC today at 405-635-5578 or contact us online.

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